Val Badia

Hotels and accomodations in Val Badia and Alta Badia

Holiday in Val Badia in South Tyrol. Excursions and hiking during the summer months, skiing during the winter months. Let the valley's beauty conquer you. The variety of holiday offerings here ensures you an unforgettable holiday, within the peace of splendid natural scenery.


Summer Winter Apartments

Antermoia presso San Martino in Badia
3 Stars
Hotel Antermoia


In the village centre of Antermoia at the bottom of Sass Pütia, the symbolic mountain of this area.

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Dolomiti Superski
Dolomiti Superski

12 different ski areas and 1,200 km of slopes with a single skipass

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Ortler Skiarena
Ortler Skiarena

15 different ski areas and 330 km of slopes with a single skipass

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Merano 2000
Merano 2000

Ski slopes, cross-country trails, toboggan runs and snow hikes

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Val Senales
Val Senales

At 3,200 m, large ski slopes, cross-country trails and a challenging toboggan run

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